When you’re traveling the world in an RV, your clothes will be soiled in no time from those hikes and outdoor adventures. Hand washing your clothes or taking regular trips to the laundromat will take valuable time that should be spent with nature and are not at all convenient, especially if you like to camp off the beaten path and take long trips at a time. Unless you only go on spontaneous weekend getaways, you will need the best RV washer dryer combo in your home on wheels.
Only the luxury RVs come with a washer and dryer, while others offer hookups for you to install your washer and dryer of choice. Since space and load are both limited in an RV, getting an RV washer dryer all in one is more ideal than having a separate washer and a dryer.
A washer dryer combo for RV is a large piece of electronics that is supposed to last for decades, so you need to do your homework to make a wise investment. To make your purchasing experience as painless and informed as possible, we’ve selected the 10 washer dryer combos for RV, which are all compact, functional, durable and user friendly.
There is something for every budget and camping setting. You will also learn about the different types of camper washer and dryer, crucial buying criteria, installation guide and answers to common questions.
- RV Washer Dryer Combos Comparison Chart
- RV Washer Dryer Combo: The Basics
- 10 Best RV Washer Dryer Combos: In-depth Reviews
- 1. Giantex 8 LBS Portable Washer and Dryer Combo
- 2. INTERGREAT 15 lbs Portable Washer and Dryer Combo
- 3. INTERGREAT Portable 21.6 Lbs Mini Washer and Dryer Combo
- 4. VIVOHOME 13.5lbs Portable Twin Tub Washer and Dryer Combo
- 5. ROVSUN 17.6LBS Twin Tub Portable Washer and Dryer Combo
- 6. Giantex EP22931 Twin Tub 13lbs Portable Washer and Dryer Combo
- 7. Best Vented All-In-One Unit: Splendide WD2100XC White Vented Washer Dryer Combo
- 8. Best Ventless All-In-One Unit: LG WM3998HBA Washer Dryer Combo
- 9. Smartest All-In-One Unit: Equator Version 2 Pro 24″ Combo Washer Dryer EZ 4400 N
- 10. Best All-In-One Unit For Heavily Soiled Clothes: Magic Chef MCSCWD27S5 2.7 Cubic Foot Washer And Dryer Combo
- Types Of RV Washer Dryers
- RV Washer Dryer Combo Consideration: Buying Criteria
- RV Washer Dryer Combo: FAQs
RV Washer Dryer Combos Comparison Chart
No | RV Washer Dryer Combos | Prices | Our Ratings |
1 | Giantex 8 LBS Portable | $$ | ***** |
2 | INTERGREAT 15 lbs Portable | $$ | **** |
3 | INTERGREAT Portable 21.6 Lbs Mini | $ | ***** |
4 | VIVOHOME 13.5lbs Portable Twin Tub | $$ | *** |
5 | ROVSUN 17.6LBS Twin Tub Portable | $ | ***** |
6 | Giantex EP22931 Twin Tub Portable | $ | **** |
7 | Splendide WD2100XC White Vented | $$$$ | ***** |
8 | LG WM3998HBA | $$$$$ | ***** |
9 | Equator Version 2 Pro EZ 4400 N | $$$$ | *** |
10 | Magic Chef MCSCWD27S5 | $$$$$ | **** |
RV Washer Dryer Combo: The Basics
RV Washer Dryer Combo vs Household Units
You might be wondering how a washer dryer combo for RV differs from the regular washing machine and dryers designed for use in the home. As the name suggests, you’re getting a two-in-one unit that washes and then drys your clothes in one setting, insteading of you having to take the washed load out of the washing machine and into the dryer.
Such a combo unit is the ideal choice for RVers for a number of good reasons. Firstly, due to the severely limited space and load in an average recreational vehicle, having a two-in one washer and dryer unit makes much more sense than having two separate units.
Furthermore, models specifically intended for camping use are made as compact and lightweight as possible to not only save space but to also allow for portability and flexibility in terms of installation location. Even if you own a full fledged luxury Class A motorhome, you will find that both available space and load get filled up very quickly.
Apart from the considerable size and weight of a unit, you should get the best RV washer and dryer combo in any case instead of a regular unit intended for residential use. This is because models specifically made for RV use are engineered to save more water and electricity, both of which are valuable when you’re on the road, especially if you like to camp far away from RV campgrounds that offer hookups.
A typical washer dryer combos for camping use require between 300 to 500 watts of power per hour of operation, while an average washing machine for residential use typically consumes 250 to 300 watts per hour, and a household dryer expectedly uses a lot of power, typically between 2,500 and 3,000 watts per hour.
As for water consumption, while the conventional top-loading washers use the most water, between 40 and 60 gallons on average, and a front-loading washer uses about 30 gallons, the very best RV washer dryer combo these days only uses from 7 gallons to 18 gallons per load. But of course, note that this huge gap is also due in part to the difference in the size of the tub.
In addition, although RV washer and dryer combo are made to be compact and lightweight, they are also constructed to be as rugged as possible and can better withstand all the vibrations and physical shocks when you’re on the move. For this reason, if you put a household unit in your rig, it might end up not lasting as long as an RV unit that’s made to withstand beatings.
How It Works and How To Use It
In general, an RV washer dryer combo operates just like a washing machine that you have in your home, but in addition to the buttons that allow you to choose your washing cycle and preferences, there is also a knob and another set of buttons for you to select your drying setting and drying time.
Simply put in your clothes, add detergent, select the washing cycle and then the drying cycle. Similar to household washing machines and dryers, the best RV washer dryer combo on the market might have designated features to help you customize the amount of water used, the water temperature and the drying temperature.
One important note is that since the tub of most washer dryer combo for RV use is considerably smaller than a household unit, you should not put more than about a tablespoon of detergent for each load to avoid overflowing suds, regardless of the make and model of washer dryer you have or the kind of detergent you use.
In addition, also due to the limited load capacity of a typical two-in-one unit, do not attempt to overload the tub. Start a trial run with only half the tub filled or so and see how well your machine washes and how long it takes to thoroughly dry the whole load.
As with any washing machine, dryer and washer dryer combo, either made for home use or RV use, overfilling the tub will make both the washing and drying process ineffective, as there is no wiggle room for the clothes inside to tumble.
After the test run, check carefully if you can find detergent residue or soil and stains still left on your clothes after. If you’re perfectly happy with the result, you can fill up the tub slightly more than half and see how that goes.
Once the washing cycle concludes, a combo unit will automatically tumble dry the load without you having to do anything. Of course, you can choose to either wash only or dry only, just push the designated buttons for washing or drying and leave the other untouched.
Typical washer dryer combos don’t require plumbing and it’s a breeze to drain dirty water into the gray water tank, the kitchen sink or the shower. Remember to clean up any lint accumulated on and around the door of the unit.
Note that a two-in-one unit will not have a lint filter that comes with a household dryer, so cleaning up lint is not as convenient. You will most likely need a piece of wet paper towel to wipe away the lint. Furthermore, the lack of a lint filter also means that if you don’t get rid of accumulated lint after each drying cycle, it can contaminate the next load.
In case what you get is a stackable washer dryer unit, that is a separate dryer stacked on top of a washer, once the washing cycle concludes, you will need to transfer the load from the washing tub to the drying tub, then select the drying setting. These units will have the lint filter like a residential stackable unit. Lint buildup can render the drying process less effective.
Why You Need A Washer Dryer Combo Made for RV Use
No more hand washing or trips to the laundromat
If you’re trying to make do with hand washing your clothes or taking regular trips to the laundromat, a washer and dryer combo will change your RV life.
When you’re camping, your clothes will be easily soiled with mud and sweat, so hand washing your clothes is not at all effective, and will take a lot of time and labor that are better spent making the most out of your travel.
Not having to drive to the laundromat anymore will open up more camping possibilities, allowing you to take extended trips to far off locations while not sacrificing the basic need of having clean clothes and bed linens.
Wash and dry in one setting
A two-in-one washer dryer will conveniently wash and then dry your clothes in one setting without you having to wait for the washing cycle to conclude to transfer the load to the separate dryer and select the drying cycle. You can put in a load before your hike and come back to clean, dry clothes.
Save space and load
Even the best RV washer dryer combo will suffer in terms of washing and drying efficiency, to some degree, as will be explained below. That said, a compact and lightweight two-in-one unit can still be a more sensible option for RVs with limited space.
You’ll need to make compromises, but you’re still getting the best of both worlds: being able to wash and dry your clothes no matter where you go and what the weather is like, and being self-sustainable at all times even during extended trips off the beaten path.
Save water and energy
As mentioned before, an important reason to opt for the best camper washer dryer combo instead of a household unit is that the models intended for camping use are engineered to consume much less water and electricity, both of which are invaluable when you’re RV-ing.
Made to withstand beatings
The best washer dryer combo for RV will last longer in your home on wheels than a household unit, as these are specially constructed to withstand all the vibrations and physical shocks associated with open road traveling.
Washer Dryer Combo Disadvantages
Small load capacity
The very purpose of washer dryers for camping means that they typically have a smaller tub than a household washing machine or a household dryer. And with any machine, it’s never a good idea to overload it, so you will need to do your laundry more often.
Lower washing efficiency
The larger the tub and the smaller the load, the more space inside the tub for your laundry to tumble about and the more suds created, thus the cleaner your laundry will be.
A smaller load capacity thus might mean that a washer dryer unit will be less effective in getting rid of more stubborn stains than a household unit.
Long drying time
Small load capacity also affects drying time, so while for the same load, a residential dryer will take less than 45 minutes in most cases to thoroughly dry, an average RV washer dryer combo will take at least 1 hour 30 minutes to do the job.
A tip to dry your laundry more efficiently with a washer dryer combo is to pause the machine halfway, take your load out for a minute or so, and leave the door open to get rid of some of the steam or moisture, then pop it back in and continue the cycle. Moisture ventilation in a two-in-one unit is not as good as in a full size household dryer, so this will help a bit.
Less convenient to clean up lint
A two-in-one washer dryer will not have a lint filter that comes with a household dryer that can be easily taken out, so you will most likely need a piece of wet paper towel to wipe away the lint.
10 Best RV Washer Dryer Combos: In-depth Reviews
Below are the 10 best washer dryer combos for small RVs complied and tested by RVing Insider. The most compact and lightweight portable models that cost under $500 will come first, followed by the larger, more powerful and more expensive all-in-one models that cost north of $1,200.
1. Giantex 8 LBS Portable Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 8 lbs
- Cycles: 5
- Weight: 37.4 lbs
- Dimensions: 16.9 x 16.9 x 29.5 inches
Why we love it:
At almost $400, this Giantex washer and dryer is by far the most expensive washer dryer combo in the portable category. However, you get many extra benefits compared to the other cheaper options down below. Firstly, it’s a single tub unit instead of having twin tub like the other portable machines in this list, so you don’t need to transfer your clothes from the washing tub to the drying tub.
The 8 pound load capacity is quite limited, but still sufficient for a solo traveler or a couple. It is both lightweight and portable without sacrificing its power. And many buyers have noticed that for its 300-watt washing power and 110-watt spinning power, it’s excellent at washing heavily soiled clothes and can get about 95% of water out from spinning without being loud. This unit uses spin drying only with no heat, which is expected at this price point though.
There are 5 programs, including wash-rinse-spin, soak-wash-rinse -spin, wash, wash-rinse, rinse-spin, and spin only, asd well as the 3 options for water level, being Low (16L), Medium (23L) and Hight (30L). Another feature I love about this compact washer dryer is that while many similar units use a gravity drain, which requires you to elevate your machine off the ground to work, this model comes with a drain pump, so you won’t need to lift the unit off or move the hose to drain the water.
- Offers control settings
- Efficient washing and drying
- Quiet
- Drain pump
- Limited load capacity
- Quite expensive for its capacity
- Spin drying only, no heat
2. INTERGREAT 15 lbs Portable Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 15 lbs
- Cycles: 8
- Weight: 57 lbs
- Dimensions: 17.5 x 16.7 x 32.7 inches
Why we love it:
If you need a larger load capacity than the Giantex model above, this 15 pound portable washer dryer from INTERGREAT will be with your consideration. Although it’s heavier than many other options, its profile is quite modest for its weight, so you can fit it in a small RV. Like the model above from Giantex, this unit comes with a drain pump, so you won’t need to lift the unit off or move the hose to drain the water.
For its price, this unit offers a pleasant surprise in terms of control settings. You will love the 8 programs for optimal washing, including Normal, Cotton, Gentle, White, Heavily Soiled, Speed, Spin Only and Tub Clean. There are 3 options for water temperature: cold, warm and hot, and 3 options for water level: low, medium and high. You can also select load size, thus fully customizing for each load for the best result and the least resources used.
- Larger load capacity than many
- Quite compact for its weight
- Offers many control settings
- Drain pump
- On the heavy side
- Spin drying only, no heat
3. INTERGREAT Portable 21.6 Lbs Mini Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 12.6 lbs washing, 9 lbs spin drying
- Cycles: timer only
- Weight: 36 lbs
- Dimensions: 27 x 17 x 31 inches
Why we love it:
Available for less than $150 only, this is the most affordable unit in the portable washer dryer category, and you will be getting a lot of value for your money. For its compact size and 36 pounds weight, you get unexpectedly large load capacity, 12.6 lbs for washing and 9 lbs spin drying, which is more than most models of similar size and weight.
In addition, at this price range, even for other portable models costing north of $200, you will only be able to select the washing and drying time with no other control settings, while this modest washer dryer gives you a “normal” and “gentle” option, so it’s more friendly for delicate garments. I find it fairly efficient at removing mud, soil and stains from clothes too, with its fairly sized tubs plus 300W washing power and 250W spinning power. The majority of buyers agree that this little machine is unexpectedly powerful for its size and price.
Perhaps the only flaw is the gravity drain, which means it needs to be elevated off the floor to work, and it works best in a bathtub. That said, gravity drain is common for portable washer and dryer. Another plus for me is despite its affordability, it is minimalist in design and doesn’t look cheap.
- Larger load capacity than similarly priced options
- Reasonable price for what you get
- 2 washing modes: gentle and normal
- Spin drying only, no heat
- Gravity drain requires it to be elevated off the floor to work
4. VIVOHOME 13.5lbs Portable Twin Tub Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 8 lbs washing, 5.5 lbs spin drying
- Cycles: timer only
- Weight: 24.2 lbs
- Dimensions: 23.2 x 14 x 26.6 inches
Why we love it:
The major difference between this portable washer dryer and the models above is that this model comes with two tubs, one for washing and one for spin drying, so you’ll need to transfer your clothes from the washing tub to the spinning tub. This might be a minus for many, but this type of twin tub machines is typically more compact and particularly more lightweight than their single tub counterparts, making them ideal for those who own a Class B minivan with limited space and available load.
Like the previous models, the drying tub of this unit will only spin to get rid of as much moisture as possible without applying heat to dry your laundry. However, the spin drying function of this particular model is pretty effective, and you only need to hang your clothes outside or somewhere airy for 30 minutes maximum to get them thoroughly dry. Campers who prefer to air dry clothes for longer lifespan might not mind this, while this might be a huge minus for those who do not want the hassle of taking clothes out to air dry.
As for washing, the washing time is very short, at 15 minutes maximum. You might not expect your clothes to wash very well, but you will be surprised. This washer dryer is very small and nothing fancy, but it does its job well.
One major flaw for some might be the lack of control settings: there are only two timers, one for washing and one for spin drying. That said, if you don’t bring delicate items for your travels, this should not be a problem. An argument for this type of basic washer dryer would be that you should only wear durable clothes in darker colors when you’re camping anyway.
- Lightweight
- Quick washing time
- Spin drying only, no heat
- No control settings other than timer
- Need to transfer clothes from washing tub to drying tub
5. ROVSUN 17.6LBS Twin Tub Portable Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 11 lbs washing, 6.6 lbs spin drying
- Cycles: timer only
- Weight: 27.5 lbs
- Dimensions: 24.4 x 14.3 x 28.7 inches
Why we love it:
This unit from ROVSUN is another excellent option in the portable category, with a load capacity larger than many competitors but with a very affordable price for its capacity. Like the model above, it also does not offer any settings other than a washing timer and a spin drying timer. It is small and affordable, but pretty impressive in terms of power and effectiveness, thanks to its 1,300 RPM motor.
Another pleasant surprise is its construction. While at this price range, both tubs are typically made from plastic, this unit comes with a plastic washing tub but a durable spin drying tub for a longer service life. Many campers also noted that this unassuming washer dryer holds up better than similarly priced portable units they have used. I also find it to have a pretty solid build for its price.
- Compact and lightweight
- Quick washing time
- Reasonable price for what you get
- Spin drying only, no heat
- No control settings other than timer
6. Giantex EP22931 Twin Tub 13lbs Portable Washer and Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Portable washer and dryer
- Design: Top loading
- Load capacity: 8 lbs washing, 5 lbs spin drying
- Cycles: timer only
- Weight: 28.1 lbs
- Dimensions: 23 x 14 x 27 inches
Why we love it:
Here is another affordable below-$200 portable washer dryer from Giantex. Major drawbacks include a smaller load capacity than many other portable models, a gravity drain and the fact that when you turn on the water you have to stay by the washer to watch it because it does not stop filling with water by itself.
It’s similar to the twin tub options above, with quick washing time, effective spin drying function and the lack for different programs and settings. What sets this unit apart though is its extra powerful 3,600 RPM motor, which is very hard to come by in the portable category, especially considering its size and weight.
Thanks to this motor, you will be impressed by this machine’s ability to wash your heavily soiled clothes and how it can remove more than 95% of water from the load, so you only need to air dry them for 1 hour tops afterwards.
- Compact and lightweight
- Extra powerful motor: 3,600 RPM
- Gravity drain requires it to be elevated off the floor to work
- Spin drying only, no heat
- No control settings other than timer
- Does not stop filling with water by itself.
7. Best Vented All-In-One Unit: Splendide WD2100XC White Vented Washer Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Two-in-one washer dryer combo
- Design: Front loading
- Load capacity: Wash 15 lbs, Dry 11 lbs
- Cycles: Wash 10, Dry 3
- Weight: 145 lbs
- Dimensions: 23.5 x 22.6 x 33.12 inches
Why we love it:
Splendide is a big name in this arena, and this machine is one of the best camper washer dryer combo in the vented category thanks to its well rounded performance. It’s reasonably priced, and offers a good balance of all the crucial criteria. The vented design means quicker drying time, and the 15 pounds washing load and 11 pounds drying load capacity are quite decent for a solo traveler or a couple, even a family of three. And for its capacity, it’s quite compact and light weight compared to many competitors.
The major selling point of this model is its bi-directional drum rotation that’s engineered to reduce fabric wrinkling. There are also many options for you to customize each load, including 10 washing cycles, 3 drying cycles, and options for water temperature, drying temperature, spin speed and extra rinse.
Another convenient feature is the self-cleaning filter that removes lint automatically. One handy feature that I like is the Foam Removal System, which detects the amount of foam in circulation and adds water to the tumbler for optimal rinsing. Another area worthy of praise is its quiet operation. This RV washer and dryer combo produces only 60 decibels thanks to its brushless AC motor, as well as the heavy-duty springs and shock absorbers that minimizes vibrations.
- Super silent motor
- Rugged build
- Many control settings
- Generally quiet but dry cycle produces a lot of vibrations
8. Best Ventless All-In-One Unit: LG WM3998HBA Washer Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Two-in-one washer dryer combo, ventless
- Design: Front loading
- Load capacity: 4.5 cubic feet
- Cycles: Wash 14, Drying 14
- Weight: 214 pounds
- Dimensions: 31.5 x 29.5 x 41.75 inches
Why we love it:
Residential washing machines and dryers are among the appliances with which LG has made its name, and RV washer dryer combos are no exception. This unit is surely on the pricey side compared with similar ventless, front loading options, costing $1,800.
That said, I feel assured by the brand as well as LG’s unmatched warranty policy, which is 1 year for parts and labor, 10 years for direct drive motor, and 3 years for the drum. There are ample buyers who have used this unit for over 10 years on the open road without treating it like a delicate baby.
Furthermore, if you’re still not entirely convinced about the reliability and durability of this washer dryer, try to see it for yourself at a store. Even the novice can tell that this washer dryer has an extra rugged construction with quality material. In use, you will notice right away that it stands very stable on its leg, with minimal vibrations and thus minimal noise. If you get the recommended rubber pad, it will even be better.
Owing to its outstanding build quality, durability, quiet operation and a variety of settings for both washing and drying, this ventless all-in-one unit from LG is not only one of the best RV washer dryer combo out there but also a popular option for those who live in small apartments or basements with nowhere to vent a dryer.
You will definitely love the many cycles and settings that match a residential model, including 14 wash cycles, 14 dry cycles, 5 wash speeds, 5 wash temperatures, 5 rinse temperatures, and 6 drying temperatures. This will not only conserve water and electricity, but will also ensure that your clothes will last longer, as you can select the optimal cycle and settings based on how delicate and how soiled your clothes are.
True to LG’s forward technology, this unit comes with a number of smart features, including adjustable legs, advanced vibration control, remote diagnostics, and Wi-Fi enabled, which works with Alexa, Google, Google Assistant, and SmartThinQ. Though this is not the deal breaker when you’re buying a washer dryer, this unit is very sleek looking, typical of LG’s modern and minimal design.
- Runs very quiet
- Many control settings: 14 wash cycles, 14 dry cycles, 5 wash speeds, 5 wash temperatures, 5 rinse temperatures, 6 drying temperatures
- Unmatched build quality
- Warranty: 1 Year Parts & Labor, 10 Years Direct Drive Motor, 3 Years Drum
- Moderate capacity for a all-in-one unit of this weight, not suitable for a family of more than three
9. Smartest All-In-One Unit: Equator Version 2 Pro 24″ Combo Washer Dryer EZ 4400 N

At a glance:
- Type: Two-in-one washer dryer combo, ventless
- Design: Front loading
- Load capacity: 13 lbs
- Cycles: 14
- Weight: 161 lbs
- Dimensions: 22 x 23.5 x 33.5 inches
Why we love it:
The Equator EZ 4400 CV is another great option for campers who want various control settings for both washing and drying. For its 13 pounds load capacity, it has a quite modest profile compared to other washer dryer combos with equal capacity.
This is a ventless model, ideal not only for RVers who want a low maintenance washer dryer but also those living in small apartments with nowhere to vent a dryer. What sets it apart from competitors though is that it allows you to change this ventless washer dryer to a vented design without extensive modifications.
What I like about this washer dryer combo is its smart features, including the LED with coded colors, the ability to schedule a wash in advance (up to 24 hours), and advanced sensors that automatically adjust the amount of water for each wash, thus saving water.
And of course, campers love the many control settings, including 14 wash cycles, as well as many options for rinsing, drying temperature, wash temperature and spin speed. While many machines for both RV use and home use can be tricky to figure out how to wash or dry a load only, there are three user friendly buttons for this: “wash + dry”, “wash only” and “dry only”.
Another huge plus is that this unit runs very quiet, at only 60 decibels, which is quite low for this type of product. You will also love the 10 year limited warranty for parts, which speaks volume about this unit’s rugged construction. Indeed, there are buyers who have used this washer dryer for about 10-11 years who claim that theirs are still going strong, despite the beatings of the RV life.
For its price, there’s hardly anything to complain about this unit, although a larger load capacity would be nice. 13 pounds is not too bad, perfect for a solo adventurer, a couple or a couple with a kid, but for a family of more than three, you will need to do your laundry more often.
- Runs very quiet
- Many control settings
- 10 year warranty
- Allows scheduling wash in advance
- Automatic sensor to save water
- Moderate capacity for a all-in-one unit of this weight, not suitable for a family of more than three
10. Best All-In-One Unit For Heavily Soiled Clothes: Magic Chef MCSCWD27S5 2.7 Cubic Foot Washer And Dryer Combo

At a glance:
- Type: Two-in-one washer dryer combo, ventless
- Design: Front loading
- Load capacity: 2.7 cubic feet or about 11 lbs
- Cycles: 14
- Weight: 170 lbs
- Dimensions: 23.5 x 23.5 x 33 inches
Why we love it:
This unit from Magic Chef is a bit pricey for its 11 pounds load capacity, so if you travel with your family and don’t want to do your laundry too often, there are other options with a larger tub at around this price point.
That said, if you are the type that loves hiking and trail exploring, high chances are your clothes will be soiled pretty heavily. In that case, this unit will be the best RV washer dryer all in one for you, as it is more effective than others at washing soiled garments, all the while still being water and energy efficient.
While many other units that are good at washing extra dirty clothes produce a lot of vibrations and noise in operation, this Magic Chef all-in-one unit runs very quietly, which makes it ideal for smaller RVs. You might be able to take a nap at midday without being annoyed by a loud washer dryer.
The many control settings, including 14 washing cycles, 2 drying settings, 5 temperature settings and 5 spin speeds, will allow you to choose the most time- and resource-efficient cycle for each load, depending on how delicate and how heavily soiled your garments are.
While I don’t think this machine takes longer to dry than other two-in-on units, which is a common drawback for this type of machine, some campers complain that it takes a bit longer to dry compared to some other similar models they’ve used.
- Runs very quiet
- Effective washing for even soiled clothes
- Many control settings: 14 washing cycles, 2 drying settings, 5 temperature settings, 5 spin speed
- Some campers complain that it doesn’t dry as well as some other competitor
- Moderate capacity for a all-in-one unit of this weight, not suitable for a family of more than three
Types Of RV Washer Dryers
Vented vs Ventless Washer Dryer
Vented RV washer dryer combo
As you can expect from their names, vented washer dryers release evaporated moistures outside, so they require ventilation setup (including a hole on your RV) to drive moisture outside insteading of accumulating in your living space.
The setup is more complicated, but this mechanism allows for more effective drying. This type of machine is more affordable, although the ventilation process means they are more costly to operate over time.
Ventless RV washer dryer combo
Meanwhile, an RV washer dryer combo ventless collects evaporated moistures in trays so the complicated ventilation setup is removed.
All you have to do is to empty the collection trays every now and then. Ventless washer and dryers are more expensive, but easier and cheaper to operate in the long run.
However, the main drawback of this type of dryer is longer drying time, since the mechanism is less efficient than ventilation.
RV Washer Dryer Combo
Although the term “RV washer dryer combo” might sometimes refer to the two types below, in most cases, it refers to a two-in-one unit that packs both washing and drying functions together in the size of a single washing machine.
The main benefit of this type of washer dryer is compact size and light weight, while the major drawbacks being small load capacity, longer drying time and the lack of a lint filter.
RV Stackable Washer Dryer
If you can afford more space and weight in your RV, an RV stackable washer and dryer would offer you a larger load capacity, better washing and drying efficiency and shorter drying time.
These units comprise of a dryer stacked on top of a washing machine, just like those stackable units you have at home, but only a bit smaller, lighter and made more rugged to handle the beatings on the open road.
If you use your dryer often, a stackable washer dryer for RV would save you more energy and time than a two-in-one washer dryer combo.
Portable Washer Dryer for RV
In case you own a Class B minivan, which almost never comes with a washing machine and a dryer, your best option is a portable washer and dryer for RV. These are super compact and lightweight, and sometimes minisize that even one person can easily move them around.
The smallest models in this category require manual operation and don’t even require electricity. As for the setup, a portable washer and dryer for camping use only requires a faucet and a drain to run.
The size means they typically are not as high quality and durable as the other types. The smallest load is only around 8 pounds while the upper limit is 18 pounds. Therefore, they are not the ideal solution for full-time campers as well as travelers who go on long trips at a time.
Instead, they are more suited for the campers who only go on spontaneous short trips in the tightest Class B minivans or trailers that cannot fit or power a washer dryer combo or a stackable unit. They are not the most efficient, but they are still an upgrade from hand-washing dirty clothes and having to hang wet clothes indoor when the weather is not ideal for hanging clothes out to dry.
Due to the small load capacity, a full load can be washed in under 20 minutes. As for the drying function, these units come with multiple heat and drying cycle options. They are typically ventless, and the best models of this category come with sensors that keep track of how damp your clothes are to apply heat as needed.
RV Washer Dryer Combo Consideration: Buying Criteria
The smaller your RV is, the more likely you’ll have to compromise.
Depending on the size of your home on wheels, how long you typically camp at one place for, and how often you want to do your laundry, the best RV washer dryer combo for you must offer the right balance between 1) size and weight, 2) washing and drying efficiency (which are heavily decided by load capacity), and 3) water and energy efficiency.
Size, Weight and Loading Capacity
A smaller and lighter unit comes with a smaller load capacity. If you only go on short trips in a minivan, a portable model would be sufficient. If you travel full-time or take long trips at a time in a spacious Class A or Class C motorhome, a stackable unit would be the most convenient.
If your RV is something in between, a two-in-one washer dryer combo would offer the best balance between size and load capacity. This category does offer a wide variety in terms of size, with the most compact models weighing only about 24 pounds.
Note that the drying load capacity is typically smaller, if not half, of the washing capacity, as more empty space is required for your laundry to tumble dry. And do not be tempted to buy a smaller unit than what you really need and try to overload your washer dryer. Always follow the recommended loading capacity of a unit, or the machine will not run efficiently.
Front- vs Top-Loading
Just like residential washing machines, RV washer dryer combos also come in either front-loading and top-loading units.
Front-loading models are more expensive, but they get the job done faster, better and are more resource efficient. They are ideal if you need to place the washer dryer under a kitchen sink or table.

Water and Energy Efficiency
If resource efficiency is a major concern to you, whether you’re environmentally conscious or if you like to boondock (with a solar system in place), the best RV washer dryer should be Energy Star certified, which is proof that they are specifically engineered to save water and electricity.
Also, here’s what you can do on your part: depending on how dirty your laundry is, you can adjust the amount of detergent and select the right setting to avoid using more water and energy as needed. Dirtier loads might require a longer washing cycle using warm or hot water, while a lightly soiled load does not need hot water, and a quick cycle might be sufficient.
Settings And Features
As mentioned above, selecting the optimal cycle for each load allows you to save resources. The best washer dryer combo for RV should offer a variety of settings and features to let you customize each load depending on how dirty and delicate your garments are.
Most models would have a quick wash option for lightly soiled clothes, and various designated settings for extra dirty garments and delicate clothes, including water temperature, extra rinse option, garment material, and tumble speed.
As for drying function, most models have different intervals like 30 minutes, 60 minutes and up to 2 hours, as well as selections for temperature level and how delicate your garments are. Depending on a unit’s capacity, it would take at least 30 minutes to dry a load.
Construction and Drum Material
The drum is an important component of any washing machine or dryer. The inner drum is contained within the outer tub, and is where the clothes are loaded. It spins around and is perforated with holes to allow the water in and out. Common drum materials include stainless steel, porcelain and even plastic.
A stainless steel drum can deal with both cold and hot washing and is the most common drum material thanks to its durability.
That said, if you come across a cheaper than average model, it’s best to check what the drum is made of. Since a washer dryer combo is a long term investment, do not be tempted by a cheap model with a plastic or ceramic drum that wouldn’t last very long.
Noise Level
Even the best RV washer dryer combo on the market emits some noise during operation, but there are models that run quieter than others. The usual noise range of RV washer dryers is within 55 to 70 decibels.
Some manufacturers will tell you the exact decibel level of a unit, while for others, you will need to dive into the reviews to check if a unit is loud to the point of being annoying.
This is particularly important if you own a small RV, as the noise will be amplified within a limited space. If noise is a concern, look for the best camper washer dryer combo with built-in anti-vibration technology to keep vibrations and noise to a minimum.
RV Washer Dryer Combo: FAQs
1. Can you put a regular washer and dryer in an RV?
Yes you technically can, if you own an oversized luxury RV with enough available space and load to house a separate washer and a dryer. However, no matter how spacious your RV might be, no wise camper does that. Even some of the most luxurious RVs on the market that come ready with a residential grade washer and dryer in place use a two-in-one combo to save valuable space and load, with very few exceptions offering a stackable model. Washer and dryers intended for camping use are made as compact and lightweight as possible.
Apart from the considerable size and weight of a unit, you should get the best RV washer and dryer combo in any case instead of a regular unit intended for residential use. This is because firstly, models specifically made for RV use are engineered to save more water and electricity, both of which are valuable when you’re on the road, especially if you like to camp far away from RV campgrounds that offer hookups. Secondly, although RV washer and dryer combo are portable, they are made to be as rugged as possible and can better withstand all the vibrations and physical shocks when you’re on the move. For this reason, if you put a household unit in your rig, it might end up not lasting as long as an RV unit that’s made to withstand beatings.
2. How much water does a RV washer dryer combo use?
A washer dryer combo for RV use typically consumes much less water than a household washer. While the conventional top-loading washers use the most water, between 40 and 60 gallons on average, and a front-loading washer uses about 30 gallons, RV washer dryer combos these days only use from 7 gallons to 18 gallons per load. But of course, this huge gap is also due in part to the difference in the size of the tub.
3. How long does a washer dryer combo take to dry?
Depending on a unit’s loading capacity and your chosen wash/dry programs, the drying time for a household dryer-only unit will typically be from at least 30 minutes up to 45 minutes for an almost full load, but usually not any more than this for a properly functional dryer.
Meanwhile, in comparison, a two-in-one washer dryer combo for camping use typically takes at least twice as long to dry the same load, as the spin-dry tub is usually much smaller. In many cases, the drying time for a full load can exceed 1.5 hours.
4. How long do washer dryers last?
In general, a regular washer for residential use can last between 10 and 15 years years, while a regular dryer can last approximately up to 18 years. The very best in class can even last past the 20 years mark, with proper use and maintenance.
For a two-in-one washer and dryer combo used in an RV, in most cases it will not last as long as a residential washer-only or a regular dryer-only. One reason is because of the physical impacts and vibrations that such a unit has to withstand when you’re constantly on the move. The second reason is because when two units with two functions are condensed into one, there will be engineering challenges, which means that compromises here and there in terms of functionality and structural integrity are unavoidable.
Most major manufacturers of RV washer dryer all in one claim you can expect a unitto last at least 10 years, given proper use and care of course. Fortunately, many full-time campers who own best-in-class washer dryer combos have reported that their units have lasted a good 15 years and are still going strong, so it’s not impossible to expect yours to last up to 2 decades on the road.
5. How do I power an RV washer dryer combo?
A typical washer dryer combos for camping use require between 300 to 500 watts of power per hour of operation, depending on the make and model. This means that you will need a 120-volt electric power outlet to run them. A washer dryer combo will draw in 12 amps of current.For perspective, an average washing machine for residential use typically consumes 250 to 300 watts per hour, while a dryer expectedly uses a lot of power, typically between 2,500 and 3,000 watts per hour.
6. How do you hook up a washer and dryer in an RV?
Each unit might have slightly different instructions, so make sure you follow your owner’s manual religiously. If you find it hard to understand, it’s best to watch video tutorials on Youtube so you can more easily picture what needs to be done. If you prefer to have a professional install it for you, expect to spend about $200 to $300 for plumbing and labor. In general, the process for installing an RV washer dryer combo is as follows:
+ Except for the smaller Class B vans, most RVs these days come with a cabinet dedicated for a washing machine or a washer and dryer combo. Place your washer dryer combo inside this cabinet and ensure at least an inch of clearance on all sides of the unit. If there’s no such cabinet or if your bathroom has space and a power outlet, it might be more convenient to install it there where you can drain the water in the shower.
+ Attach the water hose to the machine.
+ Install the drain hose. It may be better to install one outside instead so that the hose can exit directly into a ground drain or other runoff point.
+ The best camper washer dryer combo typically comes with brackets that fit around the front feet to secure the unit firmly in place with minimal vibrations when you’re on the move.
+ Plug in the power, turn on the unit and try washing and drying a few bath towels as a test run.
7. What are the differences between vented vs. ventless dryers?
As you can expect from their names, vented washer dryers release evaporated moistures outside, so they require ventilation setup (including a hole on your RV) to drive moisture outside insteading of accumulating in your living space. The setup is more complicated, but this mechanism allows for more effective drying. This type of machine is more affordable, although the ventilation process means they are more costly to operate over time.
Meanwhile, an RV washer dryer combo ventless collects evaporated moistures in trays so the complicated ventilation setup is removed. All you have to do is to empty the collection trays every now and then. Ventless washer and dryers are more expensive, but easier and cheaper to operate in the long run. However, the main drawback of this type of dryer is longer drying time, since the mechanism is less efficient than ventilation.